
Seminar on Conscious Parenting

Date: Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017
Time: 3:00 PM – 5:00  PM

The seminar on Conscious Parenting, will primarily focus on

  • Noble Grhasthashrama or Family Life
  • Role and responsibility of parents- Grhastha Dharma
  • Understanding the parent-child relationship
  • Parenting Guidelines

What do our scriptures say about this topic?  Lakshmi Sukumar will draw from the ancient texts and present a cogent view of parental dharma.

The necessary balance between being strict and lenient, rights and duties and setting boundaries within which children can have a very productive, meaningful and enjoyable life will be highlighted.

There will be an opportunity to interact with other parents and for a question and answer session.

Please arrive 10 min.s before.  Arrangement is being made for older children (4yrs. and older) to be occupied during the event. They may bring a book/activity/homework.

Admission is free. Guru Dakshina accepted.

Please register here by Friday, Oct. 6., 2017.